Vote for Derkcraft

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Uptime 62.1 %

Survival PvP Mini Games Legaal Versie 1.6.4


Is now opening to beyond friends and family for testing as we work on growing our community. Come join us for the fun and provide feedback. Derkcraft community is heavily Adult/Military but we welcome all ages.&#8203

Our server is currently in Beta but we do intend on keeping the map after all updates have been made. Our goal is to provide the best protection for our community while trying not to restrict items. Over our development we plan to minimize our Blacklisted/Disabled Items list. We want to grow our community and encourage socialization so everyone can get to know each other and enjoy the server together.&#8203

Currently our server is 20 slots with the intentions of increasing with a steady player base.&#8203

Server IP:
Modpack: Feed The Beast - Direwolf20 1.6.4 (recommended)

Rules: Before joining please take a look at our Rules...

Blacklisted/Disabled Items: For a list of our Blacklisted/Disabled Items please visit Here...


Mumble: 60615


Derkcraft offers:
Towny protection. - Never again worry about if your precious items are safe or not.
Showcasestandalone. - Rent and customize a shop stall to sell your goods.
In Game Economy. - Making Derka Dollars has never been easier.
Zombie Apocalypse - Beware of the Zombie Apocalypse, Do you have your emergency kit ready? Every night there is a chance of a zombie apocalypse. Fight zombies for an awesome reward or run to your safe spot and wait for night to be over.
Derka Park. - Tired of building and mining? Relax at Derka Park. Test your archery skills at our range. Do you dare to enter the Maze.? Visit our other attractions in game if you think youre up to it. (New attractions added/updated often)
Mumble. - Communicate with the community through our mumble voice server.
Voting - Low on Derka dollars? Visiting our voting sites for a chance to gain $1000 Derka dollars a day.

Want to earn some extra goodies.?
(Comments will be checked multiple times daily,please be patient while waiting for your reward )
Visit FTB Forums and comment with your in game name to earn $500 Derka Dollars and a stack of iron.&#8203

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